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lgbtSr Returns Slimmer and Trimmer

Okay, I heard you. Whatever happened to lgbtSr! Well, here it is. But there are some obvious changes. I can’t keep up a website the way I did for six years and still be an author, a publisher, an editor, a husband, and have that pesky thing called a job. Last year I was hit with a bad case of shingles at the age of 58 and realized I had to take better care of myself.

But I know quite a few readers miss the columns and information I was providing every week, so here’s a working compromise: lgbtSr is a dedicated page on my website. I’ll have columns (providing there are contributors), articles and items of interest, as well as announcements and the occasional review.

Folks, I love what I did for six years. But I also want to stick around another twenty-five and that means pacing myself, admitting what I can and cannot get done, and, as in this case, finding working solutions.

I’ll send an email out shortly. Those who want to keep getting it will have it when there’s new content. Those who don’t can simply unsubscribe. I know it’s not as impressive as a dedicated website, but it’s what I can do and stay sane.

Mark McNease/Editor